Six of Crows Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Reread #1

It’s official, this book is my favorite fantasy book of all time. Ahhh I love this so much I just can’t. It’s such a unique book. The plot, the characters, just everything. I truly can’t believe this only has a 4.43 average rating. Poor book. Anyways.

These are some of my favorite characters of all time. They’re all original and well developed, and I just love them. Not equally. But. I still love all of them. What I wouldn’t do to have Nina’s confidence, Jesper’s humor, Wylan’s… flute playing abilities?, Inej’s stealth, and Kaz’s- well Kaz-ness. Also, updated rankings: Nina, Jesper, Matthias, Wylan, Inej, Kaz. Nina being my favorite of course. All hail queen Nina.

One thing I love about this book is how the backstories are perfectly woven in. Not to mention that they’re perfection at its best 👌. I don’t know when the last time I read a book where the backstories were as great as they are in this book. Whenever a book ends up switching back and forth in time I either get super confused, super bored, super annoyed, or all of the above. Mostly that last one. Not this book. These backstories are also very exciting and fun, I could just read these over and over and not get bored. I could read a whole book simply about their backstories. Btw, best backstory award goes to Nina and Matthias. Perfection.

Oh and then I almost forgot the heist itself. Amazing. Very well described, and I appreciate the fact that there are problems and things go wrong, that’s definitely not what would happen if other authors wrote it. I think it was realistic to be honest, and it could get a little bit confusing at times but what book doesn’t? Other than that I don’t know what to say.

Well thank you for coming to my ted talk, that was a really dry review but oh well, it is what it is and it also could’ve been a major session of me fangirling which wouldn’t have been good 😂. Anyway, adios and until the next sad review!

Published by Lilly @ Lilly's Little Library

Hi random human! I'm Lilly, a sort of blogger with a really unprofessional book blog. I'm a huge reader and writer, I'll always be curled up with a good book when I get the chance. Feel free to reach out to me through PM on Goodreads!

24 thoughts on “Six of Crows Review

    1. don’t worry nehal I’m there too, goodreads and the book blogging community have been constantly reminding to read Six of Crows but I have yet to do so haha

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Ahhh Lilly I am super glad you love Six of Crows because I am SO SO SO excited to read it (except that it is really popular and is always on hold in the library…)… Anyway, I could feel all that passion you had through your review haha… I do love unique characters with well-written backstories and Nina sounds amazing as well! Thanks for your review, and getting me hyped up for it once more! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Me here reading review of this book but putting off reading it 😕😭🙀Dry review? What are you talking about? All I see is an awesome review 😻 keep it up ❤️💕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I honestly don’t know what my favorite fantasy book is

    However, can name my favorite fantasy standalone and series. Spinning Silver- favorite standalone. Shades of Magic- favorite series. That is only relating to 2020

    Liked by 1 person

  4. yEAHHH SIX OF CROWS 😀 i am very happy that u made a point to acknowledge wylan’s flute skills. they are very underappreciated. six of crows is also among my favorite books ever 😀

    p.s. three of storks 4 life

    Liked by 1 person

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