Top Ten Tuesday #1

Hello again citizens of booktopia! So I am so excited to start doing this, it looks really fun! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl where we get a weekly prompt and we have to make a list of ten things that fit for it. Today’s prompt is “Book Titles That Would Make Great Songs” so I’m about to go through my Goodreads bookshelves and see if I can find ten. Thank you so much Jana for hosting it, and thank you to Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse for this superbly creative prompt!

Book Titles That Would Make Great Songs

  1. The Darkest Minds (I just think the would make like maybe a good rock song like… I’m not going to share what I’m thinking right now because I cannot write song lyrics πŸ˜‚)
  2. Skyhunter (That would be a cool pop song title)
  3. The Once and Future Witches (Like a jazz song maybe? Oml you guys are probably like smh this girl πŸ˜‚)
  4. Hatchet (More rock)
  5. Radio Silence (That sounds like the name of a digital song. Not sure what to call them but like you know, like Marshmello type music)
  6. Girl, Serpent, Thorne (Wouldn’t that be a cool name for a song?)
  7. Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Like a jazz pop type thing?)
  8. Children of Blood and Bone (Cool rock song name)
  9. Cinderella is Dead (That would make a cool feminist name for a song)
  10. Heartless (Another cool song name)

Well guys, I bet some of you think that I’m definitely insane now if you didn’t already suspect it πŸ˜‚. I had a lot of fun with that post, even if some of my answers maybe weren’t the most reasonable. I also learned well I was looking through my books that a lot of fantasy names make good rock music names, so there’s a random fact that I learned today. I do highly suggest doing this if you need a blog post to do but don’t want to spend too much time writing it, this was very laid back and relaxing to do! Click here to find out the upcoming prompts. Thank you for reading and have a great book!

(P.S., nobody ever gave me feedback on that ending. Hmph.)

Published by Lilly @ Lilly's Little Library

Hi random human! I'm Lilly, a sort of blogger with a really unprofessional book blog. I'm a huge reader and writer, I'll always be curled up with a good book when I get the chance. Feel free to reach out to me through PM on Goodreads!

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